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Category: Media

October 5, 2012
Right-Wing Media Goes from "Obama Bear Market" to "Romney Rally"

What a difference a day makes. On Friday, conservative commentators reacted to the improving jobs picture by accusing the career civil servants at the Bureau of Labor Statistics of cooking the books for President Obama. But just the day before, the Republican stenographers at the Wall Street Journal, CNBC and other right-wing outlets declared modest […]

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September 25, 2012
Will Mitt Romney Marry the Blind Sheik?

With his baseless claims that waterboarding enabled the killing of Osama Bin Laden and that the Obama administration drafted a memo to protect the President from blame if the mission failed, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey has emerged as the new go-to fabulist for Team Bush. Now with his latest Wall Street Journal op-ed "Will […]

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August 28, 2012
Lady Macbeth Comes to the Republican National Convention

At the Republican National Convention Tuesday night, Mitt Romney will stand behind a human shield: his wife Ann Romney. And with good reason. While his campaign still frets about his massive "empathy gap," the Republican nominee will deploy his warm, engaging and sympathetic wife as a proxy for the compassion and emotional connection to voters […]

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July 22, 2012
Democrats Crush Republicans as Capitalists in the White House

During Mitt Romney's first run for the White House four years ago, his GOP rival Mike Huckabee warned that the former private equity CEO reminded voters of "the guy who laid them off." Now, with the growing imbroglio over his secret tax returns, labyrinthine overseas accounts and "I win even when they lose" Bain business […]

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July 4, 2012
A Tale of Two Vacations

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. That is, according the U.S. media, July 2012 was an excellent opportunity for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to showcase his human side at his $8 million lakeside estate in New Hampshire. But when then-Senator Barack Obama took time from the campaign in […]

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July 2, 2012
For Romney, There is No Life After Bain

In recent weeks, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign has tried to redefine the calendar by inserting the new milestone "AB"--or "After Bain"-- into the timeline of human history. Defending its man from damaging reports that he profited when Bain Capital invested in companies that shipped jobs overseas, extracted massive dividends and fees from firms that later […]

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June 26, 2012
GOP Goal: Kill Health Care Reform and a Lasting Democratic Majority

Despite the overwhelming consensus of legal scholars regarding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, the United States Supreme Court seems poised to strike down all or part of President Obama's signature health care reform law. If so, that would be the culmination of a decades-long conservative campaign to stop universal coverage at all costs. […]

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June 25, 2012
The Young and the Reckless

Admittedly, the young Barack Obama was a pothead and tried cocaine. Apparently, the young Mitt Romney was a bully who liked to pretend to be a cop, a firefighter and a gangster. But whether or not early Obama dabbled in dope or Romney was, well, a douchebag, doesn't really matter. Or, at least, doesn't matter […]

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June 19, 2012
The Chutzpah of Mitt Romney

Earlier this month, Team Romney spokesperson Andrea Saul explained her candidate's rule for determining the fairness of press coverage of his Mormon faith. "Our test to see if a similar story would be written about others' religion," Saul declared, "is to substitute 'Jew' or 'Jewish.'" That revelation prompted Jeffrey Goldberg to ask, "What If Mitt […]

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June 16, 2012
Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller: "Our Goal is Not to Get Republicans Elected"

After his reporter Neil Munro's disgraceful performance at the White House Friday, Daily Caller editor-in-chief Tucker Carlson rushed to his defense, complaining "I don't remember Diane Sawyer scolding her colleague Sam Donaldson for heckling President Reagan." Donaldson was quick to respond, countering "I never interrupted any president while he was making a formal presentation of […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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