Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

Category: Media

February 16, 2007
Sam Seder's Clinton Complex

If today's performance by Sam Seder is any indication, the future of post-Al Franken Air America is bleak indeed. During a discussion of Iraq war profiteering of Bush/Cheney-linked firms such as Halliburton and Bechtel, Seder launched a surreal diatribe against Bill Clinton. Entertaining a caller's assertion that President Clinton was a major Halliburton shareholder, Seder […]

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February 8, 2007
Flashback: Snickers Ad Slanders Cleveland

The controversy over the ill-conceived and arguably homophobic Snickers Super Bowl ad continues to simmer for its parent company Masterfoods. AmericaBlog reports that Masterfoods is in "full crisis mode" over the spot and that "heads will roll" to ensure that Snickers marketing never again insults large swaths of the American public. But sadly, Snickers is […]

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February 1, 2007
Top 10 GOP Sound Bites, Emboldened Enemy Edition

The building bipartisan opposition to the President's proposed troop surge in Iraq and the crickets-chirping reception to Bush's abysmal State of the Union address have led to another dramatic shake-up in the list of Top 10 GOP Sound Bites. The President's hard-charging counterattack has moved two right-wing talking points up the charts. The new #1 […]

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February 1, 2007
My Conversation with Al Franken

In an AP story Wednesday, a Democratic official confirms that Air America headliner Al Franken is in fact entering the 2008 Minnesota senate race against Republican Norm Coleman. Hopefully, the comedian turned Senate candidate can deliver some comeuppance to Coleman, who said of his late predecessor in 2003, "I am a 99 percent improvement over […]

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January 27, 2007
The American Taliban

Updated January 25, 2007 and April 19, 2005 (originally published November 24, 2004) The “War on Terror” has provided Americans with a helpful introduction to theocracy. The fight against Al Qaeda, the war on the Taliban, and the growing tensions with the regime in Iran has offered a quick primer on the hallmarks of the […]

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January 15, 2007
Understanding the White House's Iraq Vocabulary

While a fierce battle over President Bush's "new way forward" in Iraq is being joined in the halls of Congress, an even more ferocious war of words is taking place to win the hearts and minds of the American people. Among Democrats, Republicans and the media at large, a rhetorical conflict to control the marketing […]

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December 26, 2006
Brownback on the Red-Blue Divide

In its December 18th issue, the New Republic offers a window into the soul of Kansas Republican Senator and 2008 White House hopeful Sam Brownback. Tracing Brownback's dual conversions from small government Gingrich acolyte to red meat culture warrior and from devout evangelical to Catholic firebrand, TNR ponders his presidential prospects. But Brownback's' new found […]

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December 15, 2006
Flashback: Rumsfeld Celebrated, Aspin Slandered

As he exits the Pentagon stage, outgoing Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld shows once again that for the Bush White House, nothing succeeds like failure. In an elaborate ceremony carried live on all the cable news networks, President Bush and Vice President Cheney feted the disgraced Defense Secretary with glowing words, military pomp and even […]

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December 1, 2006
GOP Quotes of the Week, Iraq Chaos Edition

Just weeks removed from their midterm calamity, the leading lights of the right continue to suffer from rhetorical destruction. The entropy in Baghdad, the looming report of the Iraq Study Group and the last throes of a rudderless Bush administration have produced yet another bumper crop of classic Conservative Quotes of the Week: "We've been […]

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November 19, 2006
MSNBC's Shuster Talks, Eats Trash

As regular readers can attest, Perrspectives usually (though not always) comes down squarely on the blue side of the national political divide. But when it comes to Ohio State-Michigan, the most intense rivalry in sports, I always back the red state, or more accurately, the Scarlet and Gray. Which is why for this one day, […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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