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Category: Taxes

April 9, 2013
Will Max Baucus Betray Democrats on Taxes Again?

At the very start of his political career back in the 1970's, Montana Senator Max Baucus asked New Deal veteran James Rowe Jr., "Do you think I should run as a Republican or a Democrat?" Rowe's uneasy answer--"I sure hope you'll be a Democrat"--has defined Baucus' career ever since. After all, he voted for the […]

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April 5, 2013
10 Reasons Why Uncle Sam Needs More Tax Revenue

The Obama administration on Friday lifted the covers on its compromise budget proposal for fiscal year 2014. But despite slashing the national debt by a projected $1.8 trillion over the next decade (bringing the total reductions since 2011 to $4.3 trillion) through painful changes to Social Security and Medicare, Republicans are predictably balking at Obama's […]

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April 4, 2013
Big Business Turns Against Corporate Tax Reform

If there is one area where the White House and Congressional Republicans are in some agreement, it concerns corporate tax reform. President Obama has proposed slashing the statutory rate from 35 to 28 percent while recouping lost revenue through the elimination of corporate tax breaks costing the Treasury tens of billions of dollars each year. […]

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March 30, 2013
As CBO Predicted, Higher Taxes Not Hurting Spending by the Rich

As the nation teetered on the edge of the so-called "fiscal cliff" in late 2012, Republican leaders warned that higher taxes for the rich would crush "job creators" and derail the U.S. economic recovery. But according to a new survey, a majority of those earning over $500,000 a year report that the new higher rates […]

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March 29, 2013
Republicans Ask CBO to Rig Tax Cut Numbers

Perhaps the greatest myth in the Republican pantheon is the claim that "tax cuts pay for themselves." Sadly, that article of supply-side faith--that tax cuts fuel economic growth so explosive that federal revenue exceeds what otherwise would have been collected--has been painfully debunked by decades of history. Unfortunately, as part of budget deal just completed […]

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March 11, 2013
Will Ryan's New GOP Budget Still Save Trillions from Mystery Tax Breaks?

This week, former GOP vice presidential nominee and current House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan will present the 2013 Republican budget proposal. Unlike his last plan which didn't balance the budget until 2038, this time Ryan insists he will hit break even in just 10 ten years. As Ezra Klein explained, Ryan will close much […]

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February 28, 2013
Boehner Misleadingly Claims Tax Revenue at a Record High

Back in 2010, Ohio Rep. John Boehner defied recent history and basic math when he comically denied that the Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 played any role in producing federal budget deficits ever since. Now in his refusal to countenance any new tax revenue in a last minute compromise to avoid the […]

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February 21, 2013
Low Capital Gains Tax Rates Fueling Record Income Inequality

Last month, an analysis by Berkeley Professor Emmanuel Saez revealed that the top 1 percent of American earners captured all the income gains during the first two years of the current economic recovery while the other 99 percent lost ground. Now, a new analysis by Congressional Research Service analyst Thomas Hungerford is just the latest […]

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February 16, 2013
Income Inequality Data Show Reverse Robin Hood Recovery

Back in 2009, the American media offered a series of stories on the recession's impact on the tragically rich. The New York Times, CBS News, AP and even PBS toured yachts, vineyards and beach resorts (even profiling soon-to-be fugitive millionaire John McAfee) to warn that the super-rich "are not sleeping any better than the rest […]

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February 13, 2013
PBS Misleads with Frontline "Cliffhanger" Documentary

While most eyes were trained on the State of the Union address (or a burning cabin in California), PBS on Tuesday aired a documentary on the ongoing fiscal deadlock in Washington titled, "Cliffhanger." In it, the House Speaker John Boehner is portrayed as hopelessly trapped between an equivocating and untrustworthy President Obama who "poisoned the […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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