A new study in the journal Science revealed that emergency room use rose by 40 percent over 18 months among new Medicaid beneficiaries in Oregon starting in 2008. While opponents of Obamacare and its expansion of Medicaid cheered those findings suggesting that U.S. health care costs will go up as a result, their exhilaration may […]
Category: The States
The refusal of Republican-led states to accept the Affordable Care Act's expansion of Medicaid will rank among the greatest self-inflicted wounds in the recent history of American public policy. But in the red states where the GOP calls the shots, that act of pure political spite will produce not one crisis but three. For starters, […]
Among the myriad tactics Republicans are using to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, the "coverage gap" is perhaps the most visible. Because 26 GOP-led states have refused to accept the federally-funded expansion of Medicaid to their residents earning up to 138% of the poverty level, at least five million Americans will needlessly be left without […]
To be sure, the launch of the Affordable Care Act's new insurance marketplaces has been plagued by a variety of problems. But in its Friday segment titled "Medicaid enrollment spike a threat to Obamacare structure?" CBS News highlighted an issue that isn't a problem at all. While several states have been very successful in their […]
Conservatives, the joke goes, believe life begins at conception and ends at birth. Now, anti-abortion forces and their Republican allies in Ohio are doing their best to show that jest is true. As the Columbus Dispatch reported Tuesday, a group of Republican state legislators is suing to prevent GOP Governor John Kasich's move to accept […]
President Obama held a public event on Monday to address the serious problems plaguing the federal online health care exchange serving the 34 states which refused to create their own. Echoing former Speaker Nancy Pelosi's pronouncement that the web site difficulties are "unacceptable," Obama insisted, "There's no excuse for these problems" hampering the launch of […]
Wednesday's Wall Street Journal provides the perfect encapsulation of the conservative crusade against the Affordable Care Act. On the opinion pages, columnist James Taranto mocked the story of new Obamacare enrollee Brendan Mahoney. But where news is actually reported, the WSJ's Arian Campo-Flores explained "Why Kentucky's Health Exchange Worked Better Than Many Others." But the […]
For two decades, Republicans have opposed health care reform not because they thought it would fail the American people, but because they feared it would succeed. Passage of Bill Clinton's health care program, Bill Kristol warned in 1993, wouldn't just "do everything to help Democratic electoral prospects," but would "revive the reputation" of the Democrats […]
For the past week, NBC News correspondent Chuck Todd endured withering criticism for suggesting it is not the media's job to expose Republican lies about the Affordable Care Act or, for that matter, anything else. But despite his assertion that the reporter's function is not to seek the objective truth but instead to serve as […]
In October, uninsured Americans will begin the process of selecting from health insurance plans offered in online exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act. While 16, mostly Democratic states are investing hundreds of millions of dollars to ensure their success, in the rest Republicans nationwide are doing everything they can to bring about their failure. […]