Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

Conservatives Gone Wild: Powerline Drool Edition

May 27, 2005

In February, Perrspectives reported on (and Wonkette duly noted) the bizarre pubescent spectacle of right wing bloggers publicly drooling over women at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
Now, Powerline, of Rathergate fame and supposed "blog of the year", adds its drool to the conservative bucket with its coverage and photos of the Miss Universe contest. And Powerline is not alone in the hormonal raging of the Right, as wingnut utopia Free Republic shows.
It's nice to see the conservative blogosphere united behind First Lady Laura Bush in the wake of her trip to Jordan to promote women's rights. Powerline's John Hinderaker would no doubt agree with the First Lady's assessment that, "we see hopeful signs in many places. And we believe that one day, every family will know the dignity of freedom."

5 comments on “Conservatives Gone Wild: Powerline Drool Edition”

  1. Conservatives drooling?
    Hmmmm, it must be a cover-up considering Jeffy-poo, Scotty, and Ken Mehlman don't seem to be into women all that much.
    Look, there are more gays at a GOP rally that on Fire Island on a summer Saturday night....who are the cons trying to fool?

  2. Conservatives drooling?
    Hmmmm, it must be a cover-up considering Jeffy-poo, Scotty, and Ken Mehlman don't seem to be into women all that much.
    Look, there are more gays at a GOP rally than on Fire Island on a summer Saturday night....who are the cons trying to fool?

  3. Drooling over women? Ha! This comes from the guys with homoerotic names like Hindrocket.
    I saw a Miss World pagent last night on the PAX channel. It was the lame conservative version of Miss Universe. All the woman had to be married.

  4. Oh PUHleeze....don't you realize just how 'in the closet' gay you sound?
    Me thinks this isn't the first time you've hit the "wrong button"
    Your homophobia simply doesn't ring true guys.


Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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