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Biden Fails to Top Cheney's Vice Presidential F-Bomb

March 23, 2010

Fox News, the broadcast arm of the Republican Party, is breathlessly reporting on today's vice presidential F-bomb. During the White House signing event for the health care legislation passed Sunday, Vice President Biden turned to President Obama and mumbled, "this is a big f**king deal." But while the microphones barely picked up Biden's offhand, off-color to the President, in 2004 there was no mistaking Dick Cheney's "go f**k yourself" to Pat Leahy on the floor of the United States Senate.
Of course, this is hardly Joe Biden's first gaffe or even his first run-in with the F-Bomb. When a former Senate colleague referred to him as "Mr. Vice President" in March 2009, the microphones picked up Biden joking, "give me a **king break."
But that pales in comparison to Cheney's verbal bird to Democratic Senator Pat Leahy in June 2004.
When Leahy pressed Cheney on allegations that his former firm Halliburton was engaging in Iraq war profiteering, Cheney showed no deference to the august setting of the Senate floor. As CNN recounted:

In response to Cheney, Leahy reminded Cheney that the vice president had once accused him of being a bad Catholic, to which Cheney replied either "f--- off" or "go f--- yourself."
Leahy was referring to charges leveled by some conservatives during the confirmation battle of Bush judicial nominee William Pryor last August. Some supporters of Pryor, who is Catholic, claimed Senate Democrats were "anti-Catholic" for opposing the Alabama attorney general's nomination to the federal bench.
Leahy would not comment on the specifics of the story Thursday, but did confirm that Cheney used profanity.
"I think he was just having a bad day," said Leahy, "and I was kind of shocked to hear that kind of language on the floor."

For his part, Cheney now as then was unapologetic for his vulgar display. Even his term was in its last throes in December 2008, Vice President Cheney insisted Senator Leahy deserved it. As CNN again reported:

In an interview with "Fox News Sunday," Cheney was asked if he had any second thoughts or embarrassment. "No. I thought he merited it at the time," Cheney said, laughing.

Cheney also told Fox News that "we've since, I think, patched over that wound and we're civil to one another now." Judging from their coverage of Biden's slip-up today, Fox at least forgotten all about it.

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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