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Bush to Stay "Relevant" with Holsinger Recess Appointment?

October 29, 2007

ThinkProgress speculates this morning that President Bush will give a recess appointment to James Holsinger, his bizarre and wildly homophobic nominee for Surgeon General. For the White House, Holsinger's quackery and desire to "cure gays" not only makes him a very attractive successor to the disagreeable Richard Carmona. More importantly, a recess appointment in the face of overwhelming opposition from the Senate Health Committee helps President Bush "ensure that I am relevant." It's just another part of George W. Bush's strategy of maximum confrontation guiding the remainder of his enfeebled presidency.
Maximum confrontation serves three purposes for President Bush. First, it is an essential ingredient in preventing Democrats from winning victories of any kind and claiming successes as they head into the 2008 elections. Second, perpetual conflict with the "Democrat" Party, whether over nominees, filibusters or vetoes, helps mobilize the President's hard right base. And last, as Robert Draper's new biography Dead Certain makes clear, the image of the battling, brawling President helps Bush cement his legacy as a man of resolve, unbending in the face of either opposition or reality.
With no reelection campaign to run, no vice president to protect and leading a party whose electoral strategy is to whip up the conservative base while suppressing Democratic and independent voter turnout, Bush will pay no price for his thirst for conflict. (His Republican allies in Congress, however, may be another matter.)
All of which suggests the disturbing logic behind the choice of an inflammatory, polarizing figure like Holsinger. For example, on the day of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' resignation, conservative movement godfather Richard Viguerie counseled President Bush, "Confront the Democrats, don't 'reach out' to them as liberal commentators are urging." In his vitriolic statement lamenting Gonzales' departure, Bush appeared to heed Viguerie's advice, decrying the "unfair treatment" that led to Gonzales' being "dragged through the mud for political reasons." While Bush ultimately opted against the conservative darling Ted Olson, the mounting opposition even from some Republicans to Judge Michael Mukasey makes it clear that the President intends to sticks to his guns on domestic surveillance and detainee torture.
As the history shows, George W. Bush only too happy to resort to recess appointments to ensconce extremist appointees like Kerry Swift Boater turned Ambassador Sam Fox or former UN ambassador John Bolton. After all, President Bush has already filled 105 positions with recess appointments, compared to just 42 for Bill Clinton by the same point in his presidency.
Bush's craving for conflict and endless obstructionism hardly ends with his predilection for in-your-face nominees. As Robert Novak detailed in June, Bush's veto strategy will define the remainder of his term. While Bush withheld his veto pen during a first term featuring a compliant GOP Congress, the President is promising a tidal wave of vetoes from here on out. Blocking stem cell research, federal spending bills, Iraq war benchmarks, expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP), and government negotiation of Medicare prescription drug prices are just a few on the threats Bush has issued. His dander (and testosterone) up, a feisty Bush crowed in June:

"If the Democrats want to test us, that's why they give the president the veto."

In the Senate, Bush's Republican allies are working overtime to make sure it doesn't come to that. The same GOP who demanded the "up or down vote" in 2005 is now making unprecedented use of the filibuster to block Democratic initiatives - and victories - at all costs. Republican obstructionism blocked every major Democratic effort to change the course in Iraq and even stalled the Alberto Gonzales no-confidence vote. The Republican commitment to portraying Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi as leaders of a do-nothing Congress through the 208 elections ensures that the Democrats will need a filibuster-proof 60 votes to do anything. (President Bush's veto threats raise that bar to 67 votes.) As Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-MS) publicly bragged:

"The strategy of being obstructionist can work or fail. So far it's working for us."

Even the Iraq debate reflects President Bush's endless appetite for political fireworks. During a 2004 debate with John Kerry, President Bush might as well have been discussing Democrats and not Islamic insurgents when he said, "best way to defeat them is to never waver, to be strong, to use every asset at our disposal, is to constantly stay on the offensive." His only concession to the reality of potential Republican devastation next November is the appearance of withdrawing U.S. troops beginning next summer.
No doubt, if President Bush gives James Holsinger a recess appointment, he will ignite a firestorm of angry confrontation with Democrats. Which is exactly what he wants.

2 comments on “Bush to Stay "Relevant" with Holsinger Recess Appointment?”

  1. ... the image of the battling, brawling President helps Bush cement his legacy as a man of resolve, unbending in the face of either opposition or reality.
    But alas, our petulant Fuehrer is merely a thick-headed, thin-skinned tyrant who would have us perceive his numerous vices as "virtues", much like his historical exemplars.
    If you haven't seen it yet, Jon, I'd recommend a review of Chris Hedge's latest essay, The American Police State. It plainly reveals how far we've fallen.
    Kudos once again, especially for so aptly underscoring how the once heavily "maligned" filibuster has since been enthusiastically resurrected and fanatically embraced by the formerly "anti-obstructionist" Republican Party.

  2. It's tooooooooooooooooooooo bad that George has
    not gotten the message the practicing alcoholics always rebel (with/without reason) to anyone confronting them.
    He does not realize that HE (personally) is scoffed at by most Americans (and JUST COUNT the ones who voted in '06). How often does Cheney have to trapse over to the White House/Camp David and have a little "prop-up/pep talk" to his little boy?
    Won't be long, and George will left only with Laura and the Dog.


Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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