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Category: Health Care

October 27, 2016
Paul Ryan Drives a Mack Truck Over Women's Health

The third and final presidential debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump provide a teachable moment on the subject of abortion. Make that many teachable moments. When moderator Chris Wallace asked the candidates their views on so-called "partial birth" abortion bans, Trump declared it's "not acceptable" that women "can take the baby and […]

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October 24, 2016
Paul Ryan Has Three Great Ideas to Improve Obamacare*

In less than three weeks, Americans will head to the polls to pick their next President. With the start of the open enrollment period for Obamacare, millions of them will also soon be selecting health care coverage for 2017. By most measures, the Affordable Care Act which made health insurance possible for some 25 million […]

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September 26, 2016
Who Will Make Big Pharma Pay the EpiPenalty?

Washington is experiencing a bipartisan furor over the spiraling price hikes of EpiPen, the life-saving Epinephrine injector tens of thousands of American allergy sufferers depend on in case of emergency. On Wednesday, Democrat Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and Republican Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee blasted Mylan CEO Heather Bresch over […]

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July 25, 2016
GOP Platform Breaks Trump's "No Cuts" Promise on Social Security and Medicare

If nothing else, Republicans used their convention in Cleveland to get their hate on. The delegates who cheered Chris Christie's ersatz prosecution of Hillary Clinton had already made "lock her up" the event's lasting sound bite. Offstage, Trump surrogates accused Clinton of "treason" and called for her execution by hanging or firing squad. The foaming […]

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May 3, 2016
John Stossel is Right: Health Care is Not a Free Market

Fox News' resident libertarian John Stossel recently announced that he has lung cancer. The good news is that the former consumer affairs reporter turned free market crusader reportedly will make a full recovery. The bad news is that even from his hospital bed, Stossel continued to peddle both his dangerous misdiagnosis of what ails the […]

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April 4, 2016
The Hilariously Horrible Mr. Hatch

So the debasement of the Party of Lincoln has come to this. While short-fingered Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump sought to reassure Americans by declaring "I guarantee there's no problem" with his schlong, his nearest GOP rival Ted Cruz (R-TX) nevertheless told all who would listen that "I have no desire to copulate with him." […]

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February 25, 2016
How Republicans Turned the Unprecedented into the New Normal

With the 2016 election season now well underway, now is a good time to test your knowledge of modern presidential history. Which of the following events do you remember? (a) In fall 2002, California Rep. Nancy Pelosi invited French President Jacques Chirac to address a joint session of Congress to warn the American people against […]

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February 5, 2016
The Two Certainties of Health Care Reform

As Iowans prepared to caucus this week, a battle royal was playing out in each political party. But while Republicans argued over Donald Trump's conservative credentials and Ted Cruz's temperament, Democrats were having a heated debate over actual public policy. At its heart is the future of health care reform in the United States and […]

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January 28, 2016
Memo to Justice Kennedy: Studies Show Pregnancy, Not Abortion, Creates Depression Risk for Women

Within the next six months, the United States Supreme Court may well overturn its 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling which recognized a woman's right to choose an abortion. In Whole Woman's Health v. Cole, the Court will decide whether the state of Texas has placed an "undue burden" on women's access to abortion services by […]

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January 6, 2016
Bogus GOP "Repeal" Bill Pockets Obamacare's Medicare Savings

Republican leaders and their amen corner in the conservative commentariat are ecstatic that both houses of Congress are finally about to send an Obamacare "repeal" bill to the President's desk. This morning, Speaker Paul Ryan tweeted, "The House will vote tomorrow to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood." But as Hot Air's Ed Morrissey ("CBO: […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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