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Category: Obama Admin.

November 19, 2012
Blue States Will Rescue America from the Fiscal Cliff

In Washington and on Wall Street, there is growing optimism in the wake of President Obama's White House meeting with Congressional leaders Friday that the U.S. will avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff." After their drubbing on Election Day, Republicans are walking back their scorched-earth opposition to new tax revenue to reduce the national debt. But […]

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November 15, 2012
Republicans Offer Advice for Obama on Benghazi Probe

If there's one thing both parties in Washington can agree on, it is the necessity of getting to the bottom of the September 11th assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has already agreed to testify to Congress after the completion […]

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November 11, 2012
CBO: No Tax Cuts for the Rich, No Problem

For the second time in as many weeks, an analysis by a nonpartisan agency of Congress has demolished the GOP myth of upper-income taxes and so-called "job creators." Just days before voters headed to the polls, the Congressional Research Service documented that for decades tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans were not correlated to economic […]

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November 10, 2012
Bush, Cheney Back Obama's Mandate on Taxes

In the aftermath of Barack Obama's reelection victory, voices across the political spectrum were quick to deny that the President had earned a mandate from voters. In the Washington Post, Ruth Marcus warned that a Democratic claim to a mandate was a "delusion." The National Journal's Ron Fournier agreed, adding that the absence of a […]

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November 2, 2012
Romney's Final Pitch: Reward Me for GOP Obstructionism in Congress

As the 2012 presidential campaign heads into its final days, some truly pathetic and sadly revealing storylines are coming to the fore. While Alec MacGillis pondered whether Mitt Romney will get away with his unprecedented secrecy, David Weigel documented how Romney's gymnastic flip-flopping came to be seen as a virtue by many of the nation's […]

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October 30, 2012
Ryan Blames Obama for Delphi Layoffs Romney Cashed In On

While the Romney campaign continues to push its lie about Jeep shifting jobs from Ohio to China, Paul Ryan has been busy trying to hoodwink Buckeye voters with a tall tale about another company saved by President Obama's rescue of the U.S. industry. Recycling a charge Team Romney first introduced in May, the GOP's number […]

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October 27, 2012
Romney 's Closing Argument is "Obama Made Economy Worse" Lie

So Mitt Romney has decided to end his presidential campaign the same way he started it. That is, by lying. During what his aides touted as a "major address" in Iowa Friday, Governor Romney charged that while President Obama "inherited a troubled economy," he "made the problem worse." That's the same long-debunked myth Romney used […]

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October 26, 2012
The Romney Recession vs. the Obama Boom

After campaigning for months on the long ago debunked slander that President Obama "made the economy worse," Mitt Romney is now promising voters a "big change" over the next four years. President Romney's change would be big, all right, just not in the way he is pledging. That's because while a growing number of analysts […]

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October 17, 2012
Democratic Presidents Outperform GOP on Manufacturing Jobs

As voters prepare to go to the polls in tightly contested manufacturing states including Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, a new study is stark reminder about which party built and is committed to sustaining America's industrial heartland. The new analysis shows Democratic presidents far outperform their Republican counterparts in producing manufacturing jobs. Of course, that […]

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September 29, 2012
President and His Allies Opposed Terror Attack Probe

On September 20, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the creation of an independent panel to investigate the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. The need for such a probe is clear, given the tragic loss of life, questions surrounding the security breach and […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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