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Category: Republicans

March 9, 2007
NEW: The U.S. Attorney Scandal Documents

For the latest news, hearings, legal filings and other essential documents on the Bush administration's politically motivated prosecutor firings, visit Perrspectives U.S. Attorneys Scandal Document Center. The U.S. Attorneys Document collection includes: A complete archive of the latest news articles on the prosecutor firings, including updates on planned Congressional hearings and Alberto Gonzales' decision to […]

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March 7, 2007
The Last Throes of the Bush Presidency

For an already embattled White House, March 6, 2007 may have officially marked the last throes of the Bush presidency. In court rooms and Congressional hearings, in Iraq and in the polls, the Bush administration was deluged with a torrent of breaking news, all of it bad. Start with Tuesday's conviction of former Cheney chief-of-staff […]

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March 6, 2007
Enter the "Sentence Scooter" Contest!

The jury in the CIA leak trial of Scooter Libby has spoken. Now it's your turn. Enter Perrspectives' "Sentence Scooter Contest." You get to play judge and pronounce a fitting sentence for the incredibly guilty Mr. Libby, convicted on four counts of perjury and obstruction of justice in the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame. […]

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March 3, 2007
Coulter's Slur and the Conservative Brand of Hate

That Ann Coulter would call Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards a "faggot" during a speech at one of conservatism's pre-eminent conclaves should come as no surprise. Mitt Romney's apparent refusal to disown Coulter's endorsement and the silence of the Republican cavalcade of candidates (John McCain, who didn't attend CPAC, notwithstanding) comes as no shock either. […]

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February 26, 2007
Romney, Cheney in Deep with Iran Investments

In a high profile effort to bolster his credibility on national security, 2008 Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney last week called on New York to divest its pension fund of any holdings in firms doing with business with Iran. But as it turns out, it is Mitt Romney's former employer with the ties to […]

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February 25, 2007
All in the Family: Al Sharpton, Strom Thurmond and Other Ironies

Almost four years after his death, the legendary segregationist Strom Thurmond continues to cast a long shadow over American politics and society. In perhaps the most ironic revelation of this Black History Month, genealogists have found that civil rights icon Al Sharpton is descended from a slave once owned by relatives of the late Jim […]

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February 22, 2007
Study: Voter ID Programs Suppress Turnout

Just before November's midterm elections, a piece called "Divide, Suppress and Conquer" described the two-pronged Republican campaign strategy of mobilizing its conservative base while driving down the Democratic and independent vote. When it comes to vote suppression, a new study has found that the Republican tactics have been quite successful, indeed. In a report just […]

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February 18, 2007
The Plane Truth: Private Jet-Setter Hannity Attacks Gore

On Sunday night, Sean Hannity will unveil his latest smear campaign against Al Gore. Hoping to portray the Oscar and Nobel-nominated Gore as a "Gulfstream Liberal," the Hannity's America hit segment will try to paint the former Vice President as a private jet flying, carbon-burning, global warming machine. And Sean Hannity should know. After all, […]

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February 15, 2007
Evil Doers of the Week

It has been an extremely productive week for the Avenging Angel, punisher of the evil-doers of the conservative crusade. With the right on the run over its mismanagement of Iraq, dubious dealings with Iran, Congressional corruption and sordid personal meltdowns, the Republican locomotive is falling off the rails of public opinion. The Republican rot, as […]

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February 13, 2007
Boehner: The American People Embolden the Enemy

The House of Representatives began its debate on Iraq today. And almost on cue, House Republican leader John Boehner offered up the "embolden the enemy" talking point, still #1 on the list of Top 10 GOP Sound Bites. As the AP reported, Boehner put on an Oscar-worthy performance: "We will embolden terrorists in every corner […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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