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Category: Republicans

February 13, 2007
Romney's Ford Follies

Just two days after I wrote about Mitt Romney's cynical decision to announce his GOP presidential bid in Michigan, the former Massachusetts Governor finds himself at the center of yet another interest group storm. This time, it's the National Jewish Democratic Council, which lambasted Romney for selecting the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn as the […]

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February 10, 2007
Romney Runs - Away

On Tuesday, Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney will formally enter the race for the 2008 Republican nomination for President. But by announcing his run for the White House in Michigan, Romney is trying to run away - far, far away - from his own moderate reign in liberal Massachusetts. Romney, of course, is nominally from Michigan, […]

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February 5, 2007
The Taxman Doesn't Cometh

Monday's New York Times offers an analysis of the latest front in the partisan class war, the battle to collect unpaid taxes. The plot of this morality tale is predictable. On one side, Democrats seek to capture up to $100 billion in tax fraud to help fund their "paygo" budget plans. On the other, the […]

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February 5, 2007
Giuliani Announcement a Drag for GOP

From the Giuliani camp comes word that the former New York mayor is moving one step closer to tossing his hat in the presidential ring. With the 2008 White House race already in overdrive, Rudy announced today that he was filing a "statement of candidacy" with the FEC. Polls suggest that the putative hero of […]

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February 4, 2007
Bush Denies GOP Treason Label for Democrats

A chastened President Bush ventured into enemy territory on Saturday to address the annual gathering of House Democrats. Obliterated in the November elections and facing both abysmal poll numbers and open rebellion over Iraq within his own party, the formerly fierce Bush with tail between his legs feigned a spirit of bipartisan cooperation: "I welcome […]

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February 1, 2007
Top 10 GOP Sound Bites, Emboldened Enemy Edition

The building bipartisan opposition to the President's proposed troop surge in Iraq and the crickets-chirping reception to Bush's abysmal State of the Union address have led to another dramatic shake-up in the list of Top 10 GOP Sound Bites. The President's hard-charging counterattack has moved two right-wing talking points up the charts. The new #1 […]

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January 30, 2007
GOP Quotes Du Jour, Cheney Implosion Edition

In the war of words between left and right, the conservative chattering classes suffered from a rhetorical quadruple whammy this week. Reality was not kind to the right with Republican rebellion over the Iraq surge, the Libby CIA leak trial, President Bush's abysmal State of the Union and Dick Cheney's media implosion. Here, then, are […]

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January 28, 2007
Hagel and Bush's Bay of Pigs Moment

With Senate debate on competing Iraq resolutions set to begin this week, Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel has emerged as the bete noire of President Bush and his remaining Republican allies in Congress. But while his ferocious opposition to the "Alice in Wonderland" surge in Iraq marks him now as a White House foe, back in […]

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January 27, 2007
The American Taliban

Updated January 25, 2007 and April 19, 2005 (originally published November 24, 2004) The “War on Terror” has provided Americans with a helpful introduction to theocracy. The fight against Al Qaeda, the war on the Taliban, and the growing tensions with the regime in Iran has offered a quick primer on the hallmarks of the […]

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January 25, 2007
Sam Brownback, American Taliban

Lost in the flurry of recent presidential campaign announcements is one of the more intriguing developments of the modern political era. That is, while most candidates seek the White House with real aspirations to govern the nation, a self-chosen few such as Al Sharpton or Gary Bauer aim only to lead a movement or community. […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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