In February, Perrspectives reported on (and Wonkette duly noted) the bizarre pubescent spectacle of right wing bloggers publicly drooling over women at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Now, Powerline, of Rathergate fame and supposed "blog of the year", adds its drool to the conservative bucket with its coverage and photos of the Miss Universe […]
Category: Republicans
The Parents Television Council is taking to the air waves to protest the new Paris Hilton ad campaign from West Coast burger chain Carl's Jr. The controversial and widely viewed ad depicts the vapid and scantily clad Hilton gorging on Carl's burger while performing a masturbatory car wash. But while right-wing watchdogs like PTC's L. […]
AP has reported that the Senate 12 have brokered an 11th hour deal to avert a showdown over the nuclear option. The deal announced by Senator John McCain preserves the Democrats right to filibuster, but gives Priscilla Owen, Janice Rogers Brown and William Pryor a vote on the Senate floor. If the early blogosphere feedback […]
The Perrspectives Document Library has been expanded to include materials and resources for the Senate showdown over the judicial filibuster. The Judicial Filibuster Resource Center includes resource guides from the Center for American Progress and Media Matters, key background articles on the origins of the Nuclear Option, and background on key GOP players like Bill […]
The ongoing Newsweek saga has given the Bush White House and its right wing jihadists what they see as a golden opportunity. Their simple goal is to use the Newsweek case and the Rathergate episode before it to wage a full scale assault on the credibility and objectivity of "mainstream press." In its place, they […]
The Bush administration and their amen corner continue to rain down hellfire on Newsweek magazine for the Koran desecration flap. Scott McClellan called it "irresponsible" and Ohio Representative and Tom Delay crony Bob Ney termed it "criminal." As I cautioned yesterday, the administration would do well not to overplay its hand. The image of the […]
So it's come to this. Pastor Chan Chandler of the East Waynesville North Carolina Baptist Church in North Carolina ejected nine members of his congregation because they did not vote for George Bush for President. 40 other congregants left his flock in protest. Welcome to the perversion that is George Bush's vision of faith America. […]
Almost a year after Perrspectives' run-in with Google, it seems that the Internet giant is continuing to arbitrarily trample on the opinion speech of its advertisers. Apparently, the company whose corporate mantra is "do no evil" is persists in doing just that. The San Jose Mercury News reports that Google has gotten embroiled in the […]
Yesterday, embattled House Majority Leader Tom Delay pleaded, "Just think of what we could accomplish...if we spent less time on our soapboxes and more time on our knees." Unfortunately for the GOP, that advice is only making matters worse for hypocritical Republican politicians across the country. On the very same day as Delay's bizarrely ironic […]
On ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, CBN mogul and 700 Club host Pat Robertson offered a short summary of his policy preferences for the second Bush term. The former presidential candidate weighed in across a range of issues concerning God and man. On the raging controversy over the judiciary, Robertson claimed that judges are […]