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Category: Taxes

February 25, 2016
Child of Reagan Marco Rubio Owes a Debt to The Gipper

Every four years, Republican White House wannabes climb over each other in the quest to proclaim themselves the heir to the sainted Ronald Reagan. So it was no surprise in South Carolina on Saturday when second-place finisher Marco Rubio proclaimed: "The children of the Reagan Revolution are ready to assume the mantle of leadership. Now, […]

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February 25, 2016
How Republicans Turned the Unprecedented into the New Normal

With the 2016 election season now well underway, now is a good time to test your knowledge of modern presidential history. Which of the following events do you remember? (a) In fall 2002, California Rep. Nancy Pelosi invited French President Jacques Chirac to address a joint session of Congress to warn the American people against […]

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February 10, 2016
Hillary Clinton Pays a Lot in Taxes. She's Proposing to Pay Even More.

As his presidency neared its end, George W. Bush unveiled his plans for life after the White House. "I'll give some speeches, just to replenish the ol' coffers," the multi-millionaire told Robert Draper, adding, "I don't know what my dad gets - it's more than 50-75" thousand dollars a speech, and "Clinton's making a lot […]

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February 8, 2016
Marco Rubio is No Moderate

In the years before he became legendary for delivering the thirstiest State of the Union response ever, Florida Senator Marco Rubio was peddling another legend. On his path to becoming speaker of the Florida House, Rubio often told Sunshine State audiences he was "the son of exiles" forced to flee their beloved island of Cuba […]

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January 13, 2016
Silicon Valley is Still Getting It Wrong on Income Inequality

Back in my days as a denizen of Silicon Valley, we start-up types used to joke that Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California was the single most important street in the world. After all, for almost five decades that one-mile mecca of the venture capital world has helped fund every high-tech transformation of the […]

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January 10, 2016
Marco Rubio Has a $19 Trillion Constitutional Problem

Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Friday called for an unprecedented constitutional convention to pass nine "amendments" designed to curb the power of the federal government. (If Abbott and his ilk really want to enshrine the power of "each State acting in its sovereign and independent character," they need look no further than the Confederate Constitution […]

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January 8, 2016
As Predicted, 2013 Tax Hikes on Rich Didn't Hurt Jobs, Economic Growth

The last days of 2015 brought some very interesting news about America's record-high income inequality. On December 29, Noam Schieber and Patricia Cohen of the New York Times revealed a "private tax system" that saves the wealthiest billions every year. In conjunction with the Bush cuts to income and investment income tax rates, between 1995 […]

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December 17, 2015
Sorry, GOP: Senate Obamacare "Repeal" Does Not Reduce Deficits

From the very beginning of the debate over health care reform, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has delivered the same two messages to Congressional lawmakers. First, over a 10-year time frame, the Affordable Care Act--aka Obamacare--reduces the national debt. Conversely, the CBO has always found, repealing "every word" of Obamacare will necessarily increase the […]

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December 14, 2015
Paul Ryan, the Boy Who Cried "Tax Reform"

Just in time for holiday party season, there's a new drinking game certain to make things more jolly. It works like this: Every time Speaker of the House Paul Ryan says "tax reform," "close loopholes," "simplify the tax code," "lower rates," or "broaden the base," Americans have to drink. After all, for more than six […]

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December 8, 2015
Trump Resurrects Dubya's "Death Tax" Myth in Iowa

Speaking to farmers in Spencer, Iowa on Saturday., 2016 GOP front-runner Donald Trump declared, "We are going to get rid of the estate taxes that are making the farmers sell their farms." That came as no surprise, given that Congressional Republicans and virtually every recent GOP White House wannabe shares the same position. But Trump's […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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