Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

Month: January 2011

January 9, 2011
Republican Rhetoric, Right-Wing Terror

"My tears are flowing and I am stunned and angered that Gabby Giffords was savagely gunned down while performing her congressional duties." So said Minnesota Republican Representative Michele Bachmann in response to Saturday's mass killing in Tucson. But less than a year ago, Bachmann called for resistance to cap and trade legislation, "I want people […]

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January 7, 2011
New Chinese Fighter, Missile Alter Balance of Power

In 1996, President Clinton responded to provocative Chinese missile tests near Taiwan with what PBS described as "the largest show of naval force since the Vietnam War." But the American goal of preserving Taiwanese independence through a policy of "strategic ambiguity" may soon be untenable. With the announcements of a new Chinese stealth fighter and […]

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January 6, 2011
CBO: GOP Health Care Repeal Adds $230 Billion to Deficit

Today is shaping up as a very bad day for the quixotic GOP effort to repeal the 2010 health care reform law. Even as the number two House Republican Eric Cantor was telling the CBS Early Show that the Affordable Care Act is full of "budget gimmickry" that "costs over $1 trillion," the Congressional Budget […]

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January 5, 2011
No Surprise, Republicans to Break Promise on Spending Cuts

In September, future House Speaker John Boehner unveiled the GOP Pledge to America, which among its other warmed-over Republican nostrums promised to save "at least $100 billion in the first year alone" from the federal budget. On the eve of the election (around the 1:50 mark of the video), Boehner doubled down, claiming the GOP […]

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January 4, 2011
The Top 15 Moments from the Darrell Issa Hall of Shame

As the Washington Post, Politico and others reported, new House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Darrell Issa has announced a long list of investigations designed to "embarrass the Obama administration." Of course, when it comes to embarrassment, Issa knows more than most. After all, before he comically called the Obama White House "one of […]

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January 3, 2011
Rasmussen Poll, Media Misrepresent Obama Health Care Promise

On Monday, The Hill reported on a new Rasmussen poll under the provocative title, "Nearly half of voters don't believe key healthcare promise by Obama." That supposed pledge, as The Hill described it, was that "the law would not require individuals to change their coverage." But absent from this incendiary meme was the real guarantee […]

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January 3, 2011
GOP Offers Insanity - and Hypocrisy - on U.S. Debt Ceiling

Turning to the Republican Party for lessons on fiscal discipline is a lot like taking advice on abstinence from Bristol Palin. But unlike Ms. Palin's one known failure to practice what she now preaches, Republicans are repeat offenders. After all, the national debt tripled under Ronald Reagan, only to double again under George W. Bush. […]

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January 1, 2011
Who's Not Honoring Me Now?

Among the most consistent silly recurring segments on The Colbert Report is "Who's Not Honoring Me Now," in which Stephen complains about all the organizations passing him up for awards. While Perrspectives isn't exactly raking in the hardware, it is getting some notice. As it turns out, Perrspectives articles and content have been mentioned in, […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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