When it comes to the health care reform bill, perfect is the enemy of good. But Republicans are the enemy of everything. And on Sunday, every member of the House GOP will likely vote against the final health care reform bill that will bring coverage to 32 million more Americans, end insurance company abuses involving […]
For many Republicans from Dixie, the old times there are not forgotten. But in equating the health care reform bill to the "Great War of Yankee Aggression," Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) has served up a double irony. For starters, Broun is among the growing legion of Congressional Republicans trying to kill Medicare through privatization. More […]
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates for the final health care bill are bringing smiles to Democratic faces. Over 10 years, the $940 billion package will cover 32 million more Americans while ending insurance abuses including rescission and the use of pre-existing conditions to deny coverage. But the ersatz deficit hawks of the Republican Party […]
The conservative blogosphere is abuzz over the Bret Baier's contentious interview Wednesday with President Obama. Of course, Baier's repeated interruptions and confrontational tone should come as no surprise. After all, the Fox News hatchet man established his partisan bona fides two years ago in an exclusive interview with President Bush titled, "George W. Bush: Fighting […]
As the health care reform debate heads into its final days, the Republican opposition is turning on the sick themselves. This week, the right-wing echo chamber blasted an 11 year old boy whose mother passed away due to lack of health insurance. And a day after the conservative blogosphere protested that Obama insurance reform case […]
While the U.S. continues its pushback against Israel's humiliating settlements announcement last week, Republicans in Congress predictably rushed to defend the Netanyahu government. House Minority Whip Eric Cantor branded the Obama administration "irresponsible" and claimed its treatment of the special relationship with Israel "jeopardizes America's national security." Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) parroted Likud Party talking […]
In Arizona, conservative radio host and former Congressman J.D. Hayworth is challenging Senator John McCain in the upcoming GOP primary. As it turns out, Hayworth is also battling fellow Republicans Rick Santorum and John Cornyn for the most ridiculous comparison of bestiality and same-sex marriage. Discussing the 2003 ruling by the Massachusetts Supreme Court establishing […]
The United States and Israel share common interests, but not identical ones. That reminder was brought home last week by Israel's stunning announcement of expanded East Jerusalem settlements even as Vice President Joe Biden arrived to reaffirm the American commitment to both Israel and the Palestinian peace process. But while a stunned and angry Biden […]
In the latest chapter in the decades-long conservative campaign to canonize Ronald Reagan, North Carolina Rep. Patrick McHenry proposed replacing the image of Ulysses S. Grant on the $50 bill with that of the Gipper. But as Sean Wilentz eloquently detailed Sunday in the NewYork Times, that recognition would erase the legacy of Grant not […]
With each passing day, the apologists for the Bush administration's regime of detainee torture resemble more and more characters from an episode of Seinfeld. After narrowly escaping a recommendation of disbarment last month, its legal architect John Yoo offered what might be deemed the George Costanza defense: it's not a war crime if you believe […]