The first numbers on the body count from the Republican sabotage of the Affordable Care Act are just now coming in. Last week, an analysis from Harvard's Theda Skocpol revealed that states that both set up their own health care exchanges and embraced the ACA's expansion of Medicaid are racing toward their enrollment goals, while […]
With the premiere of the documentary Mitt this week, the Mitt Romney rehabilitation project will be projected on screens around America. But the conservative effort to reinvent the flip-flopping, formerly pro-choice, health care reforming Massachusetts vulture capitalist as a paragon of faith, fatherhood and family values is doomed to failure. Not because Willard Mitt Romney […]
For months, Republicans and their amen corner have been warning "Obamacare will destroy the private-insurance market" in order to "make a single-payer, i.e. socialized medicine, system inevitable." Apparently, the conservative prophets of doom forgot to tell the nation's major health insurance companies. As it turns out, even as Republicans decry the Affordable Care Act's mythical […]
The first numbers on the body count from the Republican sabotage of the Affordable Care Act are just now coming in. Last week, an analysis from Harvard's Theda Skocpol revealed that states that both set up their own health care exchanges and embraced the ACA's expansion of Medicaid are racing towards their enrollment goals, while […]
Even as American and international negotiators were finalizing the interim agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, both houses of Congress were moving to tie President Obama's hands in the future. While a bipartisan bill mandating harsh new sanctions nears a veto-proof majority in the Senate, House Republicans announced they would take up the legislation […]
In an exquisite performance of political choreography, Republican talking heads took to the Sunday talk shows to defend New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Christie, the likes of Rudy Giuliani and Karl Rove suggested, was being victimized while President Obama was left unscathed by the non-scandals surrounding the Benghazi tragedy and the IRS probes of political […]
While the digging into Chris Christie's "BridgeGate" is far from over, this much we do know. The Christie administration jeopardized the lives and livelihoods of tens of thousands of New Jersey residents by shutting access lanes to the George Washington Bridge, all in the service of a still to-be-determined political vendetta. But that's not all […]
Their losing 2012 presidential ticket warned that America is becoming a nation of "makers and takers" as self-identified "victims" seek "free stuff" from their government. In 2013, Republicans in Congress voted to gut food stamps, blocked the extension of jobless benefits to 1.3 million long-term unemployed Americans and supported drug testing for recipients. Now on […]
The Al Qaeda takeover of Fallujah, where four American contractors were butchered and where U.S. Marines fought their bloodiest battle of the Iraq war, has spurred a furious response from Senator John McCain. "While many Iraqis are responsible for this strategic disaster, the Administration cannot escape its share of the blame," he said in a […]
The Senate on Tuesday morning voted 60-37 to advance a bill extending long-term unemployment benefits for three months. Despite the support from six Republican Senators, its fate in both Houses is still uncertain. To secure final passage, Susan Collins (R-ME) told President Obama he'd have to "help us find an offset" for the $6.4 billion […]