The cruel and unnecessary death last month of Savita Halappanavar, the 31 year-old dentist denied a life-saving abortion, is rightly prompting soul-searching in Ireland. But those in the United States whose business is saving souls would do well to join them. After all, with their "human life amendment," draconian clinic regulations, "personhood" initiatives, heartbeat bills […]
In 2008 and 2012, Barack Obama campaigned on ending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and won resounding victories both times. That policy enjoys strong public support now, just as it has since before Obama dispatched John McCain four years ago. And just last week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office forecast that Obama's […]
For the second time in as many weeks, an analysis by a nonpartisan agency of Congress has demolished the GOP myth of upper-income taxes and so-called "job creators." Just days before voters headed to the polls, the Congressional Research Service documented that for decades tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans were not correlated to economic […]
In the aftermath of Barack Obama's reelection victory, voices across the political spectrum were quick to deny that the President had earned a mandate from voters. In the Washington Post, Ruth Marcus warned that a Democratic claim to a mandate was a "delusion." The National Journal's Ron Fournier agreed, adding that the absence of a […]
With his gracious concession speech Tuesday, Mitt Romney ended his decades-long quest for the presidency. But that moment of dignity and decency can't obscure a campaign in which Romney showed utter disrespect for the President, obvious contempt for the voters and a cynical disregard for the truth. Now that his quest has failed, he doesn't […]
There are plenty of reasons not to vote for Mitt Romney, but here are 72 billion more. If President Romney gets his way, his massive tax cut for the wealthy would not only produce a huge payday each year for the richest living Americans. As it turns out, Romney's plan to eliminate the estate tax […]
For the better part of a year, Mitt Romney has been frantically trying to narrow his persistent gap with President Obama among women voters. (In recent polling, Romney's disadvantage remains in the range of 8 to 13 points.) As a show of his commitment, Romney announced in March that his wife Ann "reports to me […]
For years, Mitt Romney has been telling Americans "I love data." As he bragged to the Wall Street Journal: "I used to call it 'wallowing in the data.' Let me see the data. I want to see the client's data, the competitors' data. I want to see all the data." But the man who would […]
Whatever happens on Election Day, Mitt Romney's quest for the White House will have been an expensive one. After all, in 2008 Romney spent $45,000,000 of his own money in his first failed bid to secure the Republican nomination. And as Forbes suggested two weeks ago, CEO Romney's departure from Bain Capital to pursue the […]
As the 2012 presidential campaign heads into its final days, some truly pathetic and sadly revealing storylines are coming to the fore. While Alec MacGillis pondered whether Mitt Romney will get away with his unprecedented secrecy, David Weigel documented how Romney's gymnastic flip-flopping came to be seen as a virtue by many of the nation's […]