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Category: Media

May 29, 2013
Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Murphy's Law

Back in 2006, Michele Bachmann announced that "God then called me to run for the United States Congress." Seven years later, He has apparently changed His mind, admitting "I've made a huge mistake." Much like half-term Governor Sarah Palin's explanation of her 2009 resignation ("It's all for Alaska"), Bachmann assured Americans she will be giving […]

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May 22, 2013
Fox and Furious Friends Wanted DOJ to Prosecute the New York Times

Throughout the tenure of George W. Bush, many of us to the left of center warned that unchecked presidential power was putting Americans' civil liberties in jeopardy. Now with the revelations that the Obama Justice Department seized AP phone records in one leak case and monitored a reporter's communications in another, some on the right […]

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May 15, 2013
GOP Yawns at AP Story Because "You Don't Have Any Civil Liberties If You're Dead"

Revelations that the Justice Department authorized the seizure of Associated Press phone records have produced condemnation from Congressional Democrats and other Obama allies. But while Capitol Hill Democrats decried the tactics as "inexcusable" (Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid), "troubling" (Senator Pat Leahy) and having "impaired the First Amendment" (Rep. Zoe Lofgren), Congressional Republicans have been […]

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May 13, 2013
Benghazi and the Republican Scandal Management Playbook

For Republicans, Benghazi is the scandal that must not die. Despite the testimony by Obama administration officials including Hillary Clinton and the blistering findings of the State Department Accountability Review Board she endorsed, the GOP is determined to bludgeon the current president and the woman who might be his successor. So, the Republicans' talking point […]

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May 6, 2013
Politico's New Myth: It's Never Easy for House GOP to Raise Debt Ceiling

"It's never been easy for House Republicans to raise the debt limit." With that opening sentence, Jake Sherman and Steven Sloan of Politico provided air cover for the GOP's unprecedented--and dangerously irresponsible--debt ceiling hostage-taking. After all, Republicans in both houses of Congress had no problem raising the debt limit until Democrat Barack Obama became President. […]

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May 4, 2013
Niall Ferguson's Six New Killer Apps

Like "whorehouse morals," the term "celebrity historian" is one of those oxymoronic expressions that should be viewed with instant distrust. So it is with Niall Ferguson, the Harvard professor and fellow at Oxford and Stanford's Hoover Institute. Long a fixture on American television screens (including on taxpayer-funded PBS), the hyper-partisan Ferguson has among other things […]

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April 15, 2013
Scarborough, Burnett Attack Obama over Tax Return

Just in time for Tax Day, President Obama released his 2012 return to the IRS. And right on cue, conservative commentators blasted the President for paying only 18.4 percent ($112,000) of his $609,000 in income to Uncle Sam. Predictably, while CNN's Erin Burnett slammed Obama's payment to the Treasury as "pretty low and frankly almost […]

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March 31, 2013
A Week in the Life of the One Percent

Judging by the stories dominating the domestic news, the past couple of weeks have not been kind to that 47 percent of Americans Mitt Romney mocked as takers, freeloaders and self-proclaimed victims. While the Washington Post profiled a Rhode Island town in which a third of the residents are dependent on food stamps, former SNAP […]

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March 27, 2013
GOP Distorts Obamacare Studies

The White House marked the third anniversary of the Affordable Care Act with numbers highlighting its early impact. Over six million seniors have saved $6.1 billion on prescription drugs, while 3.1 million young Americans under age 26 have gained health insurance on their parents' policies. All told, 71 million people have received free preventive services […]

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March 14, 2013
10 Reasons Why Ronald Reagan Would Be Persona Non Grata at CPAC 2013

As most of the leading lights of the fractured Republican Party gather in Washington for the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), organizer Al Cardenas is looking backwards for guidance in taking the GOP forward. Reflecting on Ronald Reagan's 1975 post-Watergate address to the conclave, Cardenas recalled the Gipper's lessons that "conservatives will never compromise […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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