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Category: Media

April 13, 2010
Dow 11,000 Ends the Right-Wing Obama Bear Market Myth

For the millions of Americans struggling to find jobs or pay their mortgages, the Dow Jones' flirtation with 11,000 isn't particularly meaningful. But for the legions of right-wing talking heads who even before the November 2008 election declared Barack Obama's supposed "socialism" would "tank the market," the Dow's 38% gain since Obama's inauguration is indeed […]

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April 5, 2010
The Myth of the Mainstream Tea Party

In the wake of two new surveys from Gallup and the Winston Group, the conservative blogosphere and general media alike have been quick to proclaim the Tea Party movement "mainstream." While the Los Angeles Time promoted the "Myth-Busting Polls," one right-wing blog laughingly warned of a "Suicide Watch at DNC HQ." But while the new […]

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April 1, 2010
April Fool's Jokes We'd Like to See

After "Tea Party Thanks Obama for Tax Cuts," here are some of the other April Fool's jokes I'd like to see: Republican donors stop paying to see women in leather bondage attire and instead watch for free as Sarah Palin wears her dominatrix jacket at campaign events. Republicans also decide it's not only OK to […]

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March 23, 2010
Biden Fails to Top Cheney's Vice Presidential F-Bomb

Fox News, the broadcast arm of the Republican Party, is breathlessly reporting on today's vice presidential F-bomb. During the White House signing event for the health care legislation passed Sunday, Vice President Biden turned to President Obama and mumbled, "this is a big f**king deal." But while the microphones barely picked up Biden's offhand, off-color […]

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March 17, 2010
Before Badgering Obama, Bret Baier Compared Bush to Lincoln

The conservative blogosphere is abuzz over the Bret Baier's contentious interview Wednesday with President Obama. Of course, Baier's repeated interruptions and confrontational tone should come as no surprise. After all, the Fox News hatchet man established his partisan bona fides two years ago in an exclusive interview with President Bush titled, "George W. Bush: Fighting […]

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March 17, 2010
Republicans Sick and Tired of the Sick and Tired

As the health care reform debate heads into its final days, the Republican opposition is turning on the sick themselves. This week, the right-wing echo chamber blasted an 11 year old boy whose mother passed away due to lack of health insurance. And a day after the conservative blogosphere protested that Obama insurance reform case […]

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March 13, 2010
The Bizarro World of the Bush Torture Apologists

With each passing day, the apologists for the Bush administration's regime of detainee torture resemble more and more characters from an episode of Seinfeld. After narrowly escaping a recommendation of disbarment last month, its legal architect John Yoo offered what might be deemed the George Costanza defense: it's not a war crime if you believe […]

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March 9, 2010
Rove: No Bush War for Democracy in Iraq

As millions of Iraqis braved bomb blasts and threats of violence to vote this weekend, voices across the political spectrum in the U.S. praised the democratic elections. But while President Obama announced that "Their participation demonstrates that the Iraqi people have chosen to shape their future through the political process," his conservative opponents claimed vindication […]

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March 3, 2010
Rove Book: No Pushback on Iraq WMD My Bad

Next week, Karl Rove's memoir Courage and Consequence hits the bookshelves. But as the previews make clear, you won't have to wait until March 9th to appreciate Rove's gift for fiction. According to the AP, his revisionist history claims that "many of the controversies that weakened his presidency were falsehoods perpetuated by political opponents," including […]

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February 14, 2010
The Tea Party's Taxing Logic

Back in September, "10 Lessons for Tea Baggers" documented a set of inescapable truths which the frothing-at-the-mouth followers of the Tea Party movement nevertheless manage to deny. Number one on that list then and now is "President Obama cut your taxes." As Steve Benen related today, the Tea Baggers themselves and their ideological water carriers […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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