In the aftermath of Barack Obama's reelection victory, voices across the political spectrum were quick to deny that the President had earned a mandate from voters. In the Washington Post, Ruth Marcus warned that a Democratic claim to a mandate was a "delusion." The National Journal's Ron Fournier agreed, adding that the absence of a […]
Category: Taxes
There are plenty of reasons not to vote for Mitt Romney, but here are 72 billion more. If President Romney gets his way, his massive tax cut for the wealthy would not only produce a huge payday each year for the richest living Americans. As it turns out, Romney's plan to eliminate the estate tax […]
The truth will set you free. Unless, that is, you're a Republican and the subject in taxes. As the New York Times reported on Thursday, "The Congressional Research Service has withdrawn an economic report that found no correlation between top tax rates and economic growth, a central tenet of conservative economy theory, after Senate Republicans […]
If Mitt Romney carries the always hotly contested state of Florida, his smokescreen about a mythical Obama "raid on Medicare" will have a lot to do with it. A new Kaiser survey shows the Republican ticket has narrowed President Obama's edge on Medicare from 16 to just five points over the last month. As TPM […]
As voters by now are hopefully aware, Mitt Romney has refused to name a single tax break he would end to help offset the $5 trillion, 10-year cost of his tax cut windfall for the wealthy. But the Republican has been very clear about which of the $1 trillion in annual tax deductions and loopholes […]
Back in June, Mitt Romney's top economic adviser Glenn Hubbard caused a stir when he took his partisan politics beyond the water's edge and onto the op-ed page of a German newspaper. Now, the man the New York Times labeled Romney's "go-to economist" has uttered something far more appalling, if entirely predictable. "The rich," Hubbard […]
During the 2010 campaign, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell falsely charged that with the Affordable Care Act President Obama was "sticking it to seniors." McConnell's GOP was rewarded for that fiction, as a 21 point margin among voters 65 and older propelled the Republicans to an overwhelmingly victory in the midterms. Now just two years […]
You can't hit what you can't see. That in a nutshell has been Mitt Romney's campaign strategy for months. From his mysterious tax returns and erased Massachusetts records to his shifting immigration stands, AWOL strategy for Afghanistan and so much more, Team Mitt long ago decided that discretion was the better part of valor. But […]
On the eve of last week's presidential debate, Republican Mitt Romney floated a trial balloon to deflect public attention from his detail-free tax plan certain to give a massive windfall for the wealthy, burden middle class taxpayers and balloon the national debt. But largely overlooked in his murky and still-to-be defined proposal to put a […]
Back in February, Mitt Romney's campaign to win the Republican nomination was in crisis. As the crucial Michigan and Super Tuesday primaries approached, polls showed that Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum surged to the front of the GOP pack. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal and other voices on the right were blasting Romney for a tax […]