One day after he cast his historic vote to remove President Donald Trump office, Utah Senator and former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney has continued to receive accolades for his principled and lonely stand. But Romney didn't merely buck his Party of Lincoln in becoming the first Senator to ever vote to convict an impeached […]
Category: Republicans
The holiday season is a special time of year for Americans of all faith traditions. The arrival of Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year's brings good cheer and joy to family, friends, and even perfect strangers. Above all, it is for many a time of reflection on the miracles that define the meaning of human existence […]
December 22, 2019 The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Madam Speaker: I wrote you this past Tuesday to protest in the strongest possible terms the partisan impeachment charade you and your Democrat conspirators were about to perpetrate in the House of Representatives. Nevertheless, you persisted. I have […]
Sunday, December 15, 2019 Hollywood Cemetery Richmond, Virginia Dearest Ambassador Haley, I am writing from the distant past to offer some modest thoughts about your exciting future. I understand congratulations are in order as you embark on the journey to seek the presidential nomination of the party of states' rights, nullification, and secession. (One hundred […]
Mitt Romney has never missed an opportunity to be an opportunist. Romney the leveraged buyout pioneer took advantage of the U.S. tax code to pocket tens of millions of dollars from investments in companies that failed. Mitt the mythical Massachusetts moderate transformed himself into the "severely conservative" 2012 presidential nominee by turning his back on […]
What happens when clinics providing healthcare services to women close? Among other things, American women will needlessly die. That's the horrifying conclusion from a recent study published in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology. Designed to gauge the impact of the closures of 100 women's health clinics nationwide between 2010 and 2013, Dr. Amar Srivastava […]
Writers, bloggers, commenters, and pundits nearly exhausted the dictionary in the runup to the president's July 4th Trumpapalooza™. With his tanks, parades, flyovers, and personal address, Donald Trump's appropriation of America's Independence Day rightly earned descriptions ranging from inappropriate, disgusting, and self-serving to grotesque, Orwellian, and masturbatory. But word that the Republican National Committee was […]
Imagine you're in a coffee shop when a man you don't know sits down uninvited next to you. Scribbling on a napkin and spouting something about "tax cuts pay for themselves," the man then confidently proclaims: "You really can't collect much money from upper-income people. They know how to get around taxes." You'd probably roll […]
In the great and proud history of the United States, no failing, no appalling ideology, no perverse institution--no national tragedy--compares to the American sin of chattel slavery. Codified in the nation's founding documents in a grotesque mockery of the Declaration's self-evident truth that "all men are created equal," the 250-year bondage of black Americans was […]
So another tax season has come and gone. In this case, that means Americans can render their verdict on the first year of the signature legislative achievement of Donald Trump and his Republican allies in Congress, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Thus far, the reviews are not kind. Despite an analysis by […]